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October Holiday Art Camp 2019

Animals, birds and beasties Art Camp at Murton Trust has become a regular fixture in the Explore Play Create calendar. And for the first time, we spent this workshop exploring the farm rather than the nature reserve. Despite the awful weather, we donned wellies and waterproofs and went off exploring in search of inspiration. While

Autumn 2019 – Cacti

Cacti + Succulents The theme of the autumn term workshop block was cacti! This is an activity I had been promising the children for a while – but with the summer term being such a short block, it wasn’t possible to do it then. This workshop was a fabulous opportunity for the children to have

Summer Holiday Art Camp 2019

Sticks and Ents! The workshops returned to Murton Turst for Summer Holiday Art Camp. This magnificent place gives the children the opportunity to explore the Nature Reserve, take field-notes and sketches and be inspired by the flora and fauna of this beautiful landscape. This nature-inspired workshop explored making with sticks, playing with clay, and creating

Summer 2019 – Quirky Birds

Quirky Birds The theme of this workshop block was birds! It was only a 2 week block so it involved a relatively quick process. We looked at photographs of birds from around the world as well as those native to our own country – looking at things like size of head, length of neck, body

Easter Art Camp at Murton 2019

Patterns and Shapes in the Landscape Easter Art Camp at Murton Trust was all about seeking out patterns in the landscape. We used the flora and fauna of the Nature Reserve as a catalyst for our creative making. We kicked started the day by looking at work by textiles designers who use nature as inspiration

Spring 2019: Wellbeing and Wishes

Well-being + Wishes I designed the Spring term workshops after discussions with the children to ensure they had a role in developing ideas and the type of making they wanted to do. Model making, painting and freedom to explore their own interests were amongst some of the suggestions. Using this as a starting point I