Halloween, Fireworks + Autumn Leaves
For the Saturday Winter workshop sessions there was a focus on seasonal events with some Autumn + Winter inspired making and creating – we started off with some fun, silly and spooky Halloween themed making!!
Week 1: We made little wearable bats, using giant pom-poms and carefully cutting out cardboard to make wings. After constructing their little characters, the bats were attached to safety pins so they could be clipped onto a top or even a bag.
We also had a play with paints to make some spooky glow-in-the dark spiders webs. Using pens, pencils and wax to draw the spider webs drawings, colour was then added to turn them into beautiful patterned creations. Each web had splashes of glow in-the-dark paint added to make them extra spooky!!! (not many photos – sorry!!)
Week 2 was bonfire themed – we used black paper to play with soft pastels, making different marks, to give the impression of whizzing fireworks and smouldering bonfires. Stunning results!!!
Week 3: We used some autumn leaves that had been drying flat for a couple, of weeks. We started off making some observational drawings, on different types of paper and used charcoal, pencils, white pencils and pastels. Watercolour was added to these. The children made some really interesting and quite beautiful creations.
For the second part of this session, the children used their imagination to turn leaves into character. Using glue, paper and pencil they used the shape of the leaves as a starting point for their creativity to develop cute little animals and even whole family groups!! These were truly wonderful with some very insightful little narratives behind each.