
Modelling: Modroc, wire and papier mâché
Day 1: Lots of ooey-gooey fun this holiday block trying out different kinds of modelling. First off mod-roc and forming simple shapes around bowls. Lots of concentrating, trying to get on smooth surfaces and shaped edges. We also started forming the basic shapes for the toadstools, starting off with tin foil and masking tape… things slowly starting to take shape!

Day 2: We continued with forming the shape of the toadstools, and used papier mâché to finish off the modelling. Everyone also added a little colour to one of their bowls – creating a simple colourful edge around the rim of the bowl, with more embellishment to follow on day 3. Finally, we finished off the session, drawing ideas for characters and then playing with wire, to transform their 2D ideas into fun 3D figures, including faeries, chipmunks and rabbits!

Day 3: Finishing off with paint, embellishments and more gooey papier mâché. I worked everyone sooooo hard this week and the results were incredible!!! Everyone went home with 2 bowls, a toadstool and a little figure. We painted, glued, embellished, twisted, wrapped, drew, dipped, laughed and chatted. Fun filled and exhausting!!!


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